Life Styled by Sparkle

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Navigating Life's Changes: The Importance of Therapy and Self-Care

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, and unexpected and expected changes that can leave us feeling lost, homesick, or overwhelmed. In these moments of uncertainty and emotional turmoil, it is crucial to recognize the importance of therapy and self-care as essential tools for navigating life's challenges. Having just experienced a life change that left me feeling all of the above, I was not emotionally prepared, no matter how much I planned.  

Understanding Life Changes and the Need for Therapy:

Life constantly evolves, presenting new opportunities, challenges, and experiences that shape who we are and how we perceive the world around us. However, not all changes are easy to adapt, and some transitions can leave us feeling vulnerable, anxious, or alone. I thought I was "about that life" since I'd relocated several times before while on active duty in the Navy and as a contractor working in different countries. I failed to realize that this was a first for me. I hadn't been married during these past transitions, leaving my life partner and best friend after that being my life for the last ten years. My life was different now, and this was a first for me mentally and emotionally.    

When faced with shifts in life that trigger feelings of homesickness, depression, or isolation, it is crucial to acknowledge these emotions and seek support from a therapist, counselor, best friend, or someone you trust. I didn't know I needed someone to talk to (besides my husband) until my emotions became overwhelming. I didn't have my people; I felt like I had no other outlet and no real friends within reach. I knew it was time to talk to someone; I had also always wanted to work through childhood traumas, and what better time? Therapy has provided a safe space to explore and process these complex feelings, gain insight into my thoughts and behaviors, and develop coping strategies to navigate this difficult time being away from my family. The good thing is, hubby will be here by the time this is published, and I'll be in my bliss 🥰.

Recognizing When to Reach Out for Help:

Knowing when to reach out for help is crucial in maintaining our mental and emotional well-being. I tend to isolate when I'm feeling a way emotionally or when I'm going through something. I do this as a form of self-therapy, but that's not healthy. When struggling with overwhelming emotions, stress, or uncertainty, it is okay to ask for support. Seeking therapy does not signify weakness but strength and resilience in acknowledging our vulnerabilities and taking proactive steps to address them. Do your research; there are so many resources out there for you. My therapist is in London. She's great, picked according to my personal preferences, and we connect virtually via live sessions weekly.

Self-Care as a Vital Component of Mental Health:

Self-care is essential for maintaining good mental health and overall well-being. Prioritizing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature can help reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance one's ability to cope with life's challenges. I've incorporated all of the above into my days, making a difference.  

Incorporating self-care practices into our daily routine is a powerful way to nurture our mind, body, and spirit, fostering a sense of balance and inner peace. By prioritizing self-care, we can better manage stress, build resilience, and cultivate a positive mindset that empowers us to face life's uncertainties with grace and strength. It may be easier said than done, but I speak from experience. Just do it.

Reflecting on Personal Experiences: Moving to Germany and Lessons Learned

Moving to a new country like Germany can be a thrilling yet overwhelming experience, filled with excitement, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Making such a significant move ahead of my family was not good for me, and I will not do that again, and hubby agrees. 

In hindsight, having the support and companionship of my family during this transition would have made the adjustment process smoother and more fulfilling. Moving forward, I'll approach major life changes differently, prioritizing the importance of having loved ones by my side to share in the journey and provide emotional support during times of uncertainty.

I have always been strong. I handle my business and make it happen for the ones I love. I'm the one that people see and say, "Oh, she's good." Sometimes, she's not. I have learned a valuable lesson about how people see me. It's a good lesson, though, and it validates why I keep my circle tight. Only a handful of people know me, but I am grateful for the ones who SEE me. Thank you, Sonoma, for seeing me; maybe knowing or unknowingly, you sent me a message that lifted my spirits. Thank you friend 🫶🏽

My family will read this and say, "Sparkle, why didn't you call me?" Lesson learned: I don't trust everyone, but the ones I do (Rhonda), you know who you are. I will do better and reach out when I need a shoulder. I love you, and thank you for your support.

It's A Wrap:

Therapy and self-care play integral roles in our mental health and well-being, offering valuable tools for navigating life's changes, managing stress, and fostering resilience. By recognizing the importance of seeking help when needed, prioritizing self-care practices, and learning from our experiences, we can cultivate a sense of inner strength, balance, and emotional well-being that empowers us to thrive in the face of life's uncertainties. I'm grateful for my hubby and best friend, Tonysha, who made provisions to be by my side and lend me the ears and shoulders I needed to cry. This post is dedicated to them and their unwavering love and support. I love you🫶🏾